What is Collective Energy?
It’s crucial for empaths to recognize when they are picking up on collective energy to protect themselves from depletion, fatigue, and mental or emotional exhaustion. Follow the link to learn how you can do this.
What are the Akashic Records?
The Akashic Records can also be used to promote inner healing, guide and support your life journey, and provide the encouragement to live the life you desire. Learn how to access your Records by reading on.
Boundary Setting for Empaths
This article is written to help support the emotional, physical, and intuitive empaths manage their superpowers. It starts with 3 simple rules.
What is a Ritual?
The difference between a Ritual and a Routine regards the intention and goal behind it. Let’s dive deep into what a Ritual really is and how you can create one for yourself.
How Grounding Strengthens your Root Chakra
Our Root Chakra regulates the flow of energy in the lower half of our bodies. Let’s talk about how we can strengthen our Root Chakra by developing feelings of Trust and Safety.
What is Grounding? signs you might need it
It occurred to me that the term “grounding” is thrown around a lot in the wellness industry, mostly without clear meaning or rationale behind it. Let’s review the primary ways to find grounding and signs you might need it.
What type of Empath are you?
It’s critical to understand which type(s) of Empath you are so you can properly manage and harness this incredible gift.
Here, we discuss the most common empathic types and a few relevant examples of each.
What is an Empath?
Empaths are a group of highly sensitive people that are on the planet to heal, support, and care for others. Let’s take a look at ten common traits of an empath.
How does Reiki work?
We’ve talked about the ways that Reiki can support the healing process in life. The next logical question is… how?
What Happens in a Reiki Session?
The purpose of this article is to lift the veil of privacy around what to expect in a reiki healing. This was absolutely my main hesitation in booking my first session. I aim now to share step-by-step what it will look like to book a reiki session with Heal to Healer to clear up some of those questions.
Is Reiki right for you?
Could reiki be a helpful option for you? Let’s take a moment to look over some of the ailments or struggles that I’ve personally seen reiki help support, heal and overcome.
Where does Reiki come from?
To navigate forward, it helps to know where we’ve been. History grounds us clearly in the present. History helped me demystify reiki for myself, for my family and friends, and now I share it with you.
The Secret to Reiki
What if you could get a reiki treatment anytime you needed it-- before a big meeting to calm your nerves, getting ready for a first date, or when you wake up in the middle of the night with your mind racing. These are the times when reiki is the most valuable; when you immediately need it to calm your mind and body, bringing you into a state closer to ease.
5 Common Practices of Usui Reiki
If you’ve heard about reiki, but felt like it was too far-fetched to give it a try, this information is for you. The practice of reiki has 5 main concepts that are similar to the mind and body practices of yoga or meditation.