What type of Empath are you?

It’s critical to understand which type(s) of Empath you are so you can properly manage and harness this incredible gift.

There are many different types of empaths; people tend to have one primary, a secondary, and possibly some developing types. 

Let’s jump into some of the most common types and a few relevant examples of each.

Emotional Empath 

An emotional empath will automatically take on or absorb the emotions of someone else. It requires effort and awareness not to do this. 

An example of this is a friend or family member calling about something that scared them in the news. When you get off the phone, your anxiety is also now through the roof. This could be the case with any emotion such as sadness, anger, or pessimism. Without proper boundaries, this results in the empath feeling like they are on an emotional rollercoaster all the time, leaving them feeling drained. On the flip side, emotional empaths can also experience the joy, optimism, and excitement of another.

Physical Empath

A physical empath may take on some of the same physical symptoms of another person. 

A common example of a physical empath is sympathy weight gained by a partner during pregnancy. The partner may experience nausea, food cravings, and mood swings. In another scenario, a physical empath may feel the pain or discomfort of another in their own body. For example, I tend to feel physical sensations during a Reiki treatment, and this assists me in where to heal.  

Intuitive Empath

An intuitive is described as a person that can pick up on telepathic, precognitive information, or have frequent gut instincts. 

This type of intuition is most notably explained as the maternal instinct that many mothers develop when raising children. Additionally, this is related to the intuition that psychics, prophetic dreamers, or tarot readers may tap into.

Plant or Nature Empath

The plant or nature empath can sense the needs of the environment and have a strong attachment to the weather, astrological transits, or moon cycles.

An empath of this type may be drawn to live and work in nature, advocate for the wellbeing of the planet, or have a deep connection to the stars, moon, mountains, forests, or bodies of water. 

Animal Empath

Animal Empaths can feel and connect to animals and pets of all types. The empath may be able to understand the wants and needs of the animal and is typically inclined to have several pets or desire to work with animals in their profession.

You may have read this and realized that many or none of these types apply to you. If you’re interested in learning to develop a new type, know that with time, practice, and patience, you can develop additional types. 

Self Reiki has been my biggest partner in the healing journey of managing and developing my empathic types.

If you need support in setting boundaries or managing your type to its highest benefit, I’ll be sharing more information on how to do this soon. 

Jen Padavic

Jen Padavic, Founder of Heal to Healer LLC, desires to demystify Reiki and bring it into all of our homes and healing journeys.

Jen is a highly intuitive and empathic Reiki Master, certified yoga teacher, and Akashic Records Practitioner.

Not a day goes by that she doesn’t share Reiki with herself, family, friends, plants, and pets. Reiki transformed her life, and she feels an immense devotion to teach others and pass along this healing practice.


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What is an Empath?