The Secret to Reiki

Of course, it feels incredible to treat yourself to a Reiki session, there’s no secret to that. It’s even better if you are fortunate enough to afford regular treatments to care for an existing condition or during a challenging time. To be honest, not only can it be an additional stressor to find a practitioner that you trust, but you also have to get yourself to commit to scheduling an appointment, and give yourself the authority to spend the money. It can be a hurdle. 

I’m not saying not to do it, I’m only asking to consider another option. 

What’s not widely known is how simple it is to bring Reiki into your life on a daily basis. 

What if you could get a Reiki treatment anytime you needed it-- before a big meeting to calm your nerves, getting ready for a first date, or when you wake up in the middle of the night with your mind racing. These are the times when Reiki is the most valuable; when you immediately need it to calm your mind and body, bringing you into a state closer to ease.

It is my deepest and most sincerely held belief that there should be at least one person with the Reiki ability in every family. With Reiki Level 1, you can give treatments most importantly, to yourself, but also to your friends, family, pets, and plants whenever you like. Reiki then becomes another tool in your toolkit to help center and calm yourself when you’re in a state of dis-ease.

It’s always a luxury to receive a treatment from someone else, but there is nothing like harnessing the ability to cultivate this healing energy for yourself. 

Reiki Level 1 is absolutely worth your investment financially. Depending on the practitioner, one treatment may cost the same amount as a Reiki Level 1 training with another practitioner. 

The Secret to Reiki is that it is most effective when you can treat and heal yourself on a daily basis.

As always, sending you love and Reiki ♡

Jen Padavic

Jen Padavic, Founder of Heal to Healer LLC, desires to demystify Reiki and bring it into all of our homes and healing journeys.

Jen is a highly intuitive and empathic Reiki Master, certified yoga teacher, and Akashic Records Practitioner.

Not a day goes by that she doesn’t share Reiki with herself, family, friends, plants, and pets. Reiki transformed her life, and she feels an immense devotion to teach others and pass along this healing practice.

Where does Reiki come from?


The 5 Reiki Concepts (that everyone should know)