What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records are an intangible, vibrational field in the human consciousness that stores all collective information; it encompasses all events, emotions, and experiences that have ever, will ever, or might ever occur throughout time.

Okay… I know this is a little out there, but stay with me! Think of it as a massive library in the sky.

Every plant, animal, person, place, or thing in the Akasha (or the vibrational field of the Akashic Records) has a Record. With practice and permission, one can connect with the stored knowledge and wisdom of all of these things.

The Akashic Records can also be used to promote inner healing, guide and support your life journey, and provide the encouragement to live the life you desire. 

I’ve personally found that reading my Akashic Records has been incredibly healing and supportive during all of my life's transitions and stressful moments. I also use guidance from the Akashic Records when writing my articles, posts, and newsletter.

There are many ways to learn how to access the Records.

Linda Howe is one of the most well-known and revolutionary Akashic Records practitioners alive today. She has written many books that guide the reader into accessing their own Records and finding inner peace. She is also who I learned from. If you'd like to dive deeper, many practitioners, including Linda, can help guide you through the process. 

Documented history of the Akashic Records is fairly recent with citings in the late 1800s and early 1900s, with the most well-known being Edgar Cayce in the early 1900s. 

For me, accessing the Records feels like a comforting and active meditation. I find that I am typically free-flow writing as information and answers to my many questions come bubbling up to the surface. 

It will take practice to understand how the information within the Records will come through to you. Every person will be slightly different. For example, when I read others, I tend to see visual information in my mind's eye rather than words. 

Many practitioners believe that the Akashic Records are evolving rapidly at this time, opening itself up to be increasingly more accessible to humanity.

Working with the Akashic Records does not require belief in any spiritual or religious practice. It, along with Reiki, only requires trust in your inner knowing and the understanding that Everything is Energy.

This article is only meant to be a brief introduction to the Akashic Records, and I encourage you to read and learn more if this has spoken to you.

Please reach out to me with any questions or for more resources.

Jen Padavic

Jen Padavic, Founder of Heal to Healer LLC, desires to demystify Reiki and bring it into all of our homes and healing journeys.

Jen is a highly intuitive and empathic Reiki Master, certified yoga teacher, and Akashic Records Practitioner.

Not a day goes by that she doesn’t share Reiki with herself, family, friends, plants, and pets. Reiki transformed her life, and she feels an immense devotion to teach others and pass along this healing practice.


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