What is Collective Energy?

The foundation to understanding collective energy is the belief that everything is energy. 

All living or inanimate objects, thoughts, and feelings contain energy. 

As I explain this, keep in mind that I am not a physicist (although physics was one of my best subjects in school!), but I am a researcher that believes wholeheartedly in science. 

It begins with Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Now if that makes your eyes glaze over, please feel free to quickly skim the next section!

Einstein’s famous equation E=mc², explains that all matter, even what we perceive as solid or intangible (like gas or wind, for example), is and contains energy.

More recently, quantum physics at its most basic level also confirms that all atoms and subatomic particles in nature are made up of energy.

Our physical bodies are no exception as we are ultimately composed of cells, atoms, and a lot of empty space. 

Our body emits a bioenergetic field (also known as an aura or subtle energy body) which is vibrating at a particular frequency that can be sensed by others.

This is crucial for empaths to realize. 

When we see catastrophic or painful events online, we can’t help but feel empathy for those involved. This can also be referred to as tapping into the collective energy. Being an empath, you are almost always tapped into collective energy or energy that is not your own.

Any group of individuals or beings (even trees, animals, and star constellations) can be considered a “collective.” The most common collectives are your job, city, family, group of friends, or even people at a restaurant. As a unit, these collectives are emitting a combined energetic frequency.

As you mentally, emotionally, or physically interact with a collective, your body is subconsciously reading the vibration and adjusting your own vibration to find harmony and balance. With one particular collective, you might feel joy and peace, and with another fear, pain, or anxiety.

I encourage you to consider all collectives or groups of people you might knowingly or unknowingly be picking up on the collective energy for. 

It's critical to recognize what collectives you are experiencing so you can read and scan incoming information for any danger, make useful decisions, and find ways to help. Then, it is just as important to practice setting a mental boundary with the collective energy to protect yourself from depletion, fatigue, and mental or emotional exhaustion.

After you have learned how to use this skill to your benefit rather than demise, you can practice intentionally tapping into a particular collective energy with intention and focus.

Accepting a collective energy into your energetic field should be a conscious choice, rather than an automatic reaction.

For more tips on how to learn this skill for yourself, please reach out.

Photo by Chris Slupski
Jen Padavic

Jen Padavic, Founder of Heal to Healer LLC, desires to demystify Reiki and bring it into all of our homes and healing journeys.

Jen is a highly intuitive and empathic Reiki Master, certified yoga teacher, and Akashic Records Practitioner.

Not a day goes by that she doesn’t share Reiki with herself, family, friends, plants, and pets. Reiki transformed her life, and she feels an immense devotion to teach others and pass along this healing practice.


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